Our Research
Investigating intergroup relationships in both laboratory and every day life contexts allows to advance the understanding of key processes of broad relevance to social contexts, as well as testing fundamental theories of social psychology and other disciplines. Our research projects are being funded or have been founded by multiple prestigious sources such as the Engineering and Physical Research Council, the UK Research & Innovation Council, or the European Commision's Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Programme.
Inclusion Really Does Matter: Improving Reactions to Gender Equality Initiatives Amongst Academics in Engineering and Physical Sciences
24/09/2018 - 23/09/2020
From the CIIR: Ioana Latu, Rhiannon Turner, Lynn Farrell, Zachary Petzel
Photo by Lovro67 on Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND
Pioneering Parents
From the CIIR: Laura K. Taylor, Danielle Blaylock
Positive Youth Development
From the CIIR: Laura K. Taylor
Helping Kids
From the CIIR: Laura K. Taylor